Thursday, September 24, 2009


My first blog. Ideally I would like it to be a raging, guns-ablazing post that defines the reasons why I'm here. Ironically not even I have the answer to that one.
Willing to bare my soul to a cyber, anonymous world ? Check.
But this is me paying homage. When I silently crave for that warm embrace to give me the necessary strength to carry on, I have none. My heart is shattered into different pieces and as fate would have it, took those little pieces and scattered it all over the world. Of course, a million faces I see everyday who willingly bend backwards for me, but I will have none of that. It's a series of events, one walks in....the other walks out. Emotional purgotary.
Piece 1 is lying under the blistering heat of a desert. Scorched. Parched.
Piece 2 is cowering under an umbrella in a cold, dense land. Cloudy and opaque skies.
Piece 3 is wallowing in desolation. In a plush serene world, yet lonely in a crowded room.
Piece 4 is lying in a trench while staring up at the sky.
and Piece 5 is here, writing this out.
Together as a whole, my heart pumps vitality into the core of my being. Now that I've been disected, I have to bid my time.
All the Pieces are in perfect symmetry. Tried and testing to a point of no return. But they're strong, confident, patient and waiting for the bigger picture that they know is yet to come. This is a testimony to "my heart" and the people who help it run effortlessly and to the people who came, snatched it away and then returned it battered and bruised. My heart is woven in tapestry with a tangible bond that none can faze....and for being that bond....I thank you.

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