Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Honored Lot.

I wake in the morning and walk to the bathroom.. the water runs continuously.
She wakes in the morning and walks a kilometre to the nearest public tap.
I sit in the comfort of my chair and moan as to why theres no cereal instead of oatmeal.
She eats a stale piece of bread she saved up from last night.
I breathe in the air from my second floor apartment effortlessly.
She chokes on the hazardous fumes from the nearby factory.
I wonder what shoes best match my dress and stress about a matching bag.
She wears the same tattered dress for New Years, Xmas and her Birthday.
I walk out of my house and straight into a car that drives me somewhere.
She walks barefooted, in the scorching heat making her cracks bleed.
I go to a movie cinema, clubs and bars for entertainment.
She plays with the street dog and stones of different colors.
I plan vacations, shopping sprees and girl's nights out.
She goes window shopping usually shooed away for being an eyesore.
I have a choice between Continental, Chinese and Thai.
She eats what she's managed to beg off the mercy of other people.
I read Vogue, Glamor and Cosmopolitan.
She looks at pictures of old newspapers.
I sleep in a soft bed with a warm comforter.
She sleeps in under a plastic sheet on the street in any weather.
I wake up in the morning.. and do it all again without a thought.
She wakes up in the morning.. looks around.. and that's all she's got.

We live under the same sky, yet we're worlds apart.
We cross each other everyday, yet how lost we are in our own world's to care.
Is her world just a backdrop to the centrestage life I lead ?
I have beautiful eyes they tell me, but it means nothing to me
There's a whole world out there I was too blind to see.


  1. That was beautifully penned but tears me to bits!

  2. This is the world we live in. Enough money and resources to make everybody comfortable but tons of corrupt people preventing that from happening. If you find anybody who, by their corruption, ruins the lives of many people. Shoot them, write a note explaining why you shot them and shoot yourself so that the same government that condoned the corrupt persons actions cannot condemn you
