Saturday, October 10, 2009

Snap .. Crackle.. Poof !

I think its high time you snapped out of it. What exactly were you trying to prove anyway ? The good guy routine seemed too good to be true and it's such a pity for you that I saw right through your transparent goodwill. You think you know me. Do you honestly believe you do ?

Even if you paid close attention you'd miss out the most obvious things and you paid as much attention as a goldfish to a shell. Do you feel cheated ? Do you feel like I've deceived you ? Well, I hate to break it to you sweetheart, but this is the real me. Which you know nothing off. Okay so you know my favorite food, my favorite song, my best friends, the colors I love to dress in. You think you know me because you seem to think you know how I'll react to most situations. Do you realize that it's the silence that speaks volumes about me ? The fact that I remained silent while you made an ass of yourself while trying to convince me you really are one of the good guys. It's the silence that makes me sweetheart, not the other way around. My secrets make me who I am and not what I want the world to know. I don't twist the truth, I don't lie...I just stay silent. My secrets are my true identity which you know nothing about.

I have to let you in on my secrets for you to know me. You won't.

Cause imagine my fuking disappointment when you turned out to be the biggest cliche of them all.

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