Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Grace Kelly.

Today something online caught my eye. Teens go for makeup tutorials. Seriously ? Like we're talking about girls who are about 14 and 15 years old. When asked why a 13 yr old replies "The boys love when you can put your makeup and look good with them in their Facebook profile pictures". This reminds me of that Grace Kelly song. I can be brown I can be blue I can be violet sky... I can be anything you like. Even if it means changing everything you are to be something else for someone else. What they don't realize is their so busy being someone else for somebody else they forget who they are.

P. S : If you're someone like this reading this ( though the chances are slim ) you don't need to change just because someone else has a problem with it.

I'm a single girl. Not really unattractive. I get my decent share of attention ( and some other people's share of attention as well ). Quite comfortable in walking on the streets in pyjamas and not an ounce of makeup on. Well above legal age limit and the main question people ask me once they realize I'm single is "How are you going to get into a relationship when you don't date ?".

I think dating is just Trial and Error and I love myself way too much to put myself through that awful mess. I see my friends hop from one man wagon to the next without a clue. I refuse to be clueless. It's just a forced awkward conversation where you can't blame anyone but yourself. You sit there and wonder :

Do I have food on my face ?

Am I boring him ? Am I talking too much ? Is he really interested ?

Do I think I look okay enough to be seen with him ?

Mind - games is what people love to play. That's why they do this whole date thing anyway. It's the thrill of the chase. The need for validation.

So I apologize if I don't care how you think I look or if I have food on my face ( if it's there for less than 5 secs I will eat it.. 5 second golden rule ) or if my dress isn't up to your standards. If you don't look like Brad Pitt don't expect me to be an Aniston ( Ye I know old school but i prefer Aniston ) or if my ass sticks out because I don't want to get too close while hugging you. I apologize if i value my time too much and would rather spend it with people I can be myself with rather than someone who's sitting there judging if my teeth are in direct propotion to my forehead.

" You complete me ". That line from Jerry Mcguire makes everyone go weak in the knees. But not me. You see, I don't need completion. I'm extremely complete all by myself and if you took the trouble to look beneath all that fruity make-up so are you.

Be yourself. The ones that matter don't mind and the ones that mind..... don't matter.

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