Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Me Hearties.

This is probably the longest I've gone without penning anything down. Ah who can blame me ! The besties are down from all across the world and I've been having a blast. Drunken debauchery, midnight bonding, hand holding while going to bed, bedspreads soaked with tears, fast food at 4 in the morning, stilettos and martinis.

I'm looking at our Halloween pics and their a hoot ! Every time I look at pictures with random people or at a club I think of that One Tree Hill episode where they have a whole different outlook to pictures. In one certain picture I am surrounded by strangers. Then you wonder how many pictures you are in while someone else is clicking a moment they never want to forget. How many times you've been a part of someone's life and made a difference, however minuscule and haven't even realized it. Scary isn't it ?

Was I present when someone got a big promotion and came out to celebrate ?

Was I present when a cheating husband was taking his wife out to dinner ?

Did the sudden flash of someone else's camera annoy you or take you by surprise ?

Isn't it ironic that sometimes you can be such a huge integral part of someone's life and not even know it ? Do you believe that you were pre-destined to be there ? Or finally find out when it's too late?

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