Sunday, January 31, 2010


Pay my respects to grace and virtue, send my condolences to good
Give my regards to soul and romance, they always did the best they could
And so long to devotion you taught me everything I know
Wave good bye, wish me well, you gotta let me go
- The Killers.

I think everyone now a days is bidding a fond farewell to old friends we used to know named loyalty and morality. We're human after all are we not ? Instinct taking over judgment. Look at how animals live, it's in our genome. Makes you sometimes wonder when humanity is just going to be lying in a gutter somewhere with no-one to pick us up.

"All you girls don't deserve anyone to be loyal to you. You'll just go and screw around either way", he claims to me on the phone. Extremely miffed I retort " Well it's not like you men have an extremely high loyalty rate yourself and please stop generalizing, you sound more ignorant than a dead dodo who WERE the dumbest animals on the planet". He is waiting for me to go on with my whole feminist talk but I'm tired. Not tonight.
" All us nice guys finish last. We're either too boring and nice or we're so caring you make us brothers. It's like a lose-lose situation for us ".

I sigh, " I think you're reading too much into this. It's not even our business. It's not our situation. Let it go".

I can feel him getting edgy and he breathes heavily into the mouthpiece, " I need you to give me a logical answer or I'm probably going to go nuts thinking about how people act. You're a shrink, isn't this your area of expertise ?".

Snap ! That's the sound of my patience being cracked.

"Fine ! You want to know why women fall for the bad ones ? Because, you know, when you're staring at that semi porno type slutty girl thinking you'd love to bury your face in her ass, women are the same. We seek the thrill and spontaneity that the boring guys don't deliver. Of course, I know girls with absolutely brilliant adorable boyfriends who do everything from the textbook right but you know what? Those women are lying. They would rather have the asshole, egoistic, drug injecting, philanderer, lecherous man but are too smart to do it. They trade the adventure for security. Let's make this very clear. Women Love Bastards. You know why I do it? Because at the end of the day I don't need a man to make me feel secure. I have my thrill and leave. I've been through 3 men in my existence which is not enough to base a judgment but is enough to tell me that men are only good for multiple orgasms and nothing else. Once women find that elsewhere, their going to leave. Everybody leaves in the end. So if you think for one second that you're the only one out there facing these problems. Stop kidding yourself. There is no morality left in this world. Love is on speed dial if there is anything known as love to begin with and the fact that you still believe it exists obviously means you haven't been burned bad enough. Once you're willing to step out of your "pull doors open for women, walk behind her" world, you'll do better for yourself. This isn't medieval times. Us damsels LOVE our distress".

Close your eyes, clear your heart... and cut the cord


  1. I loved that brazen openness. It's a speech I wish I heard about 5 years ago rather than having to find out the long hard way.

    One criticism however, I would never bury my face in a woman's arse. Go for the chest, alot nicer.

  2. False! All of it False. You've been burned and that does make me feel sad. Who's not. You set your belief's on fire. Blame yourself for it. Love is a strong feeling. Many of us are too fickle to weather times and feel its power. Why not shove morality in the gutter and say do hell with your hell with your dog...why not? why does moral teachings take a high stand only when dealing positions of that significant other.
    I would think morals are dug up when a sense of revenge a sense of feeling equal or sense of killing the pain arise. We think what did I do wrong...why was I treated like hell with it. I can be just as ruthless, just as heartless. The thrill and orgasms are nothing but fleeting feelings. last only for so long...until you do seek them over and over again and one day the soul wakes up to the dirty wake of guilt left behind. Yes...the guilt never leaves you. The fact that we want to justify murdering the morals and values and the fact that we muscle so hard to bend values that are so ingrained in us as humans implies we are finding ways to grapple with the guilt. Its a beast we give birth to...and is way more powerful than the flimsy armor of mindless justifications we use to defend our unjust actions against ourselves.

    Hope love faith truth - its a task to have them...burn yourself 10 more times and then the waif in you may change when a cool breeze of helplessness soothes you and settles you carefully in your bed...

    I'll continue opening the door, continue walking behind her...hell if she likes me digging my face in her ass and ...i'll get on with it natural instincts might make me an emotions make me human.
